South Pars Phase12 : Backfilling of the trench route of pipeline

        Client: IOEC  ---  Status: COMPLETED

The objective of Phase 12 of the South Pars Gas Field development project is to produce gas and condensate for export.

The offshore section is located some 100 km in the Persian Gulf, Iran, in approximate 70 m deep water and consists of 3 identical, 15 slots wellhead platforms (SPD 14/15/16) and three 32” sealines for transportation of 3 x 1000 mmscfd of saturated gas and condensate to the onshore gas treatment plant, located in the Tombak area.

Each of the 32” sealines will carry 4.5” piggy-back line for transporting lean MEG (mono ethylene glycol) from the onshore facilities to the respective wellhead platform.

A 30” line will be installed from onshore plant to Single Point Mooring (SPM) located near shore to export condensate (NGL).

The scope of this project is supply, transportation and installation of approved backfilling materials around and on top of the three export pipelines and SBM pipeline after it has been installed.



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