South Pars Phase12 : SBM Complementary Installation Services

        Client: IOEC  ---  Status: COMPLETED

The objective of Phase 12 of the South Pars Gas Field development project is to produce gas and condensate for export.

The offshore section is located some 100 km in the Persian Gulf, Iran, in approximately 70 m deep water and consists of 3 identical, 15 slots wellhead platforms (SPD 12A/B/C) and three 32inchsealinesfor transportation of 3 x 1000 MMSCFD of saturated gas and condensate to the on shore gas treatment plant, located in the Tombak area.

A 30-inch line will be installed from the onshore plant to a Single Bouy Mooring (SBM) located near shore to export condensate.

This project consists of receive, assemble, test, launch, tow and install two floating hoses of SBM. (Inner and outer lines 296 and 306 m respectively with range of different sizes from 16 to 24 inch).




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