

Delta Offshore Technology was established to provide Engineering,Procurement, Construction, Installation and Management services to a range of offshore and onshore projects both in shallow and deepwaters particularly in oil and gas industries including but not limited to:

• Marine pipeline, subsea cables, risers and infield flow lines

• Seawater intakes and outfalls

• SPMs, PLEMs, subsea and floting terminals and facilities

• Shore approaches, onshore pripeline and water channels

• Topsides, jackets, connection bridges and flares

• Offshore salvage, flatation, shipwreck removal and diving services

• Dredging, subsea trenching, excavations, backfilling and land reclamation

• Operation, repai , maintenance services for offshore complexes

• Mobile fixed and floating drilling platforms

• Grouting services for jacket installation, pipelines crossing and free span rectification

• Subsea survey, ROV operations, positioning and station keeping

• Jetties, dry docks, break waters, dewatering projects and coastal retaining structures



Engineering and design services

Delta Offshore Technology provides engineering solution, feasibility study, conceptual design, FEED, basic design,detail design and R&D services for various offshore and onshore projects in the area of its oil and gas activities.

These services are included the finite element modeling and numerical simulations using well-known commercial software packages, closed form and analytical solutions using in-house calculation spreadsheets, subroutines and macros, model testing, field trials, preparation of analysis and design reports, method statements, construction procedures etc.

In addition to engineering services provided in EPC projects, some of common offshore analysis and design titles are listed below as instances:

● Load-out, sea fastening, transportation and Lifting analysis of jackets, topsides, bridges etc.

● Mating analysis of topsides float-over installation

● Jacket upending and launching analysis

● Barge and floating units stability and motion analysis

● Push over and collapse analysis of fixed platforms

● Reliability and fatigue analysis of platforms

● Structural and naval architectural analysis and design

● Pile drivability analysis

● Mooring and station keeping analysis

● Temporary and permanent anchoring analysis Shallow and deep foundations analysis

● Pipeline installation analysis with various installation methodologies

● On-bottom stability analysis of pipelines

● Pipeline sea bottom roughness analysis and route optimization

● Pipeline free span and crossing rectification analysis

● VIV fatigue analysis of multi-spanning pipelines

● Pipeline expansion, lateral and upheaval buckling analysis

● Pipeline spool piece installation analysis

● Sophisticated pipeline-seabed interaction modeling and trenching analysis

● Fatigue analysis of flexible and steel catenaries risers in touch down area

● Clashing analysis of catenaries riser systems

● Riser VIV analysis

● Pipeline system integrity analysis

● Earth work and geotechnical analysis


Offshore installation services

Delta Offshore Technology provides offshore installation services of topsides, jackets, floating and subsea structures, heavy concrete and steel structures, pipelines etc.

via various installation methodologies such as lifting and float over methods.

In addition to our own multi-purpose spud barge, offshore installation tools and other marine fleets, Delta has access to a wide family of offshore installation spreads in the area including:

● Revolving and shear leg heavy lift barges

● Transportation barges

● Anchor handling and towing tugs, supply boats

● Pipe laying barges

● Diving and surveying vessels

● Dredging and subsea trenching spud barges

● Cutter and hopper suction dredging vessels 

Delta has conducted various offshore installation projects in the area and Foroozan oilfield is presented here as an instance.

Delta Offshore Technology provided engineering, load out and offshore installation services of two living quarters in the Foroozan oilfield in summer 2011 (FX and FY, 250 and 750 tons respectively).

These platforms provide accommodation facilities for the people working in Foroozan complex.


Offshore construction services

Construction of onshore, offshore and coastal infrastructures is important areas in which Delta Offshore Technology is fully active having considerable track record.

The services cover full domain of aspects from basic engineering to commissioning and startup. Some of the construction works is listed below:

● Seawater intakes and outfalls

● Jetties, harbors, break waters, coastal retaining structures etc.

● Ship building docks, fabrication yards, water channels, dewatering projects etc.

● Land reclamations, artificial islands, coastal channels 

As instances, two seawater intake and outfall EPCI projects recently conducted by Delta Offshore Technology in 2012 are presented below:

Each package includes fabrication, launching and submergence of two high density polyethylene (HDPE) marine pipes of approximately 1200 meters, 2000mm internal diameter, as intake lines and an outfall pipe with the same feature and 204 meters length.
The intake lines collect sea water through suction chambers located in a water depth of about 28m and direct it into the basin where it is pumped into the petrochemical complex to be used as cooling water. The returned warmed up water diffused in the sea through connected diffusers at the end of outfall pipe.
The construction work includes 300,000 m3 bulk subsea trenching and dredging work completely conducted by Delta using dredging spreads including cutter and hopper suction dredging vessels and Delta’s spud barge equipped with backhoe excavator, mechanical and heavy duty hydraulic grabs and portable cutter suction pumps etc.


Shallow and deep drilling services


Deep Drilling

Delta has a long term contract to provide management, operation, maintenance and supply of Key professional personnel of a semisubmersible drilling rig (SSDU) doing exploration drilling in Caspian Sea. The unit can operate in a water depth up to 1,030 meters and drill down to 6,000 meters under the seabed.



Shallow Drilling(Pile Top drilling-حفاری لایه‌های سنگی و سخت)



 Main applications of Pile Top Drill Rig:


●Foundation Drilling of large-diameter piles for super-structures and buildings

●Anchor drilling executed from drilling platforms, barge and jack-ups

●Foundation Drilling in harbors, jetties, dry docks and dolphins

●Bridge, pier and causeway foundations

●Pile plug removal in pile driving premature refusal

●Pile Drilling in hard layers

موارد اصلی استفاده از تجهیزات حفاری لایه های سخت و سنگی :                      

حفاری شمع با اقطار بالادرلایه‌های سخت برای سازه و ساختمان های بزرگ

حفاری شمع‌ها و لنگر از روی سکوهای حفاری، جک آپ و بارج

حفاری فنداسیون در بنادر، اسکله‌ها، پهلوگیرها و داکهای خشک

حفاری فنداسیون پلها و میانگذرها

حفاری داخلی شمع های فلزی که با لایه های سخت برخورد می کنند و برداشتن پلاک و لایه سخت از نوک شمع ها

●حفاری توده‌های سخت و سنگی


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