South Pars Gas Field Development - Phases19 : Design, Engineering, Supply, Construction and Installation of Marine Pipeline of Seawater Intake System

        Client: PPI  ---  Status: COMPLETED

In order to supply seawater for cooling onshore facilities of South Pars Phases 19, located at south of Iran east of Kangan Port, a seawater intake systems is being developed by Petropars Iran.

In this project, seawater will be collected at the basin through two 2m/length1200m high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes.
Warmed discharge water will be returned to the sea using an approximately 200m length outfall HDPE pipe.

Delta Offshore Technology (Delta) accomplished the pre-engineering surveys such as hydrographic and sub-bottom surveys and geotechnical studies, basic and detail design, installation engineering, procurement, and construction and installation operations of the SPD19 seawater intake system.

Similar to marine pipeline of the SP12 seawater intake system, herein ballasting weight of the pipelines will be provided by injecting grout inside the core-tube pipes inside the HDPE pipes.

HDPE pipelines are fabricated onshore, towed to the location and installed using the float and sink method.
They have been laid in a trench and backfilled to be protected from exposure to any danger that will cause damage to the pipeline for example ship's anchor drag on the seabed.


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